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GitLab Education Services

GitLab CI/CD Training


This class explains what Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are and what value they bring to the software development lifecycle. It also outlines the architecture behind GitLab's CI/CD pipelines and explains how to set up basic CI/CD pipelines in your own projects. Finally, it touches on a handful of specific CI/CD pipeline use cases, including pushing your app to a Docker Container registry and using one of GitLab's security scanners.

GitLab CI/CD Training covers some features that are available in all three GitLab pricing tiers (Free, Premium, and Ultimate), some features that are only available in Premium and Ultimate, and a small number of features that are only available in Ultimate.

Target Audience

  • Development teams, quality assurance teams, release engineers
  • Prerequisite knowledge
    • Topics covered in the GitLab with Git Basics course or equivalent experience with Git and GitLab
    • This course is not appropriate for students with no Git or GitLab knowledge

What’s Included

  • Live training sessions delivered by a GitLab technical trainer
  • Lecture with demonstrations
  • Hands-on labs
  • Slides with notes and reference links


Remote: $5,000
At your site: $7,000 plus travel expenses for each instructor


Remote: Delivered in a single day, including 1-hour break for lunch.
On-site: Delivered in a single day, including 1-hour break for lunch.

Class Size

Maximum 12 attendees. Order this seat add-on to increase total seats per class.

Course Syllabus

Part 1

Duration Topic Overview
30 mins GitLab Overview & Flow
  • What is GitLab
  • Today's Software Delivery Landscape
  • GitLab Workflow & Example
  • What is CI/CD
  • GitLab's CI/CD Workflow
  • Why Use CI/CD
  • Dogfooding: Building GitLab with GitLab
  • Demo/Lab: Review a Sample CI/CD Section
1 hr CI/CD Pipeline Architecture and Runners
  • Configuration File & GitLab Runners
  • Runner Architecture
  • Runner Characteristics & Types
  • Runner Options
  • Runner Executors
  • Demo/Lab: Register a GitLab Runner for a simple pipeline
30 mins Anatomy of a Pipeline
  • Anatomy of a CI/CD Pipeline
  • Basic Pipeline Builds
  • Directed Acyclic Graph Pipelines
  • Child and Parent Pipelines
  • GitLab Pipeline Graph
  • Basic Keywords: Definitions & Examples
  • .gitlab-ci.yml Example
  • Demo/Lab: Create a Basic CI/CD Configuration
  • Demo/Lab: Display Environment Variables in a Pipeline
45 mins Advanced Keywords & DRY
  • Advanced Keywords
  • Writing Maintainable CI/CD Configuration Files

Part 2

Duration Topic Overview
1 hr Variable Precedence & Scoping
  • Microlearning Game: Reviewing Day 1
  • Variable Scope & Priority
  • Lab: Variable Hierarchy
30 mins Job Policy Patterns
  • Lab: Job Policy Pattern
  • Microlearning Game: Pipeline Review
30 mins Artifacts and Dependencies
  • Lab: Using Artifacts
45 mins Registry & Deployments
  • What are Package & Container Registries?
  • Lab: GitLab Docker Registry
1 hr Security Scanning OR Code Quality Scanning (student choice)
  • Lab: Enabling Security Scanning OR Code Quality Scanning (student choice)
Download the syllabus

System Requirements

Computer with internet access and Git installed, per the requirements specified here.

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