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GitLab Education Services

GitLab with Git Basics Training


This class provides users with an introduction to GitLab and Git. It starts with an overview of GitLab so you can learn the basics about what GitLab does and why DevOps teams use it. Then it dives into Git, the version control system used by GitLab for source code management. You'll learn and practice fundamental Git concepts and commands. Throughout the course we'll provide demos and hands-on practice with many of the foundational processes and tasks that DevOps teams use in GitLab: committing changes, creating branches and merge requests, using a CI/CD pipeline, and accessing security scanning.

GitLab with Git Basics covers some features that are available in all three GitLab pricing tiers (Free, Premium, and Ultimate), some features that are only available in Premium and Ultimate, and a small number of features that are only available in Ultimate.

Target Audience

  • Anyone new to GitLab and/or Git
  • Prerequisites
    • High-level knowledge of the software development lifecycle
    • Experience with any version control system is helpful but not required

What’s Included

  • Live training sessions delivered by a GitLab technical trainer
  • Lecture with demonstrations
  • Hands-on labs
  • Slides with notes and reference links


Remote: $5,000
On-site: $7,000 plus travel expenses for each instructor


Remote: Delivered in a single day, including 1-hour break for lunch.
On-site: Delivered in a single day, including 1-hour break for lunch.

Class Size

Maximum 12 attendees. Order this seat add-on to increase total seats per class.

Course Syllabus

Part 1

Duration Topic Overview
1 hr GitLab Overview
  • What is GitLab?
  • Sequential DevOps vs. Concurrent DevOps
  • GitLab Flows
  • GitLab Recommended Process
  • GitLab Components
  • Demo: GitLab Features
45 mins GitLab Components & Navigation
  • GitLab Organization
  • GitLab Epics
  • Issue: The Starting Point for your workflow
  • GitLab Workflow Example
  • Demo: GitLab Components
  • Lab: Create a Project & Issue
2 hrs Git Basics
  • What is Git?
  • Centralized vs. Distributed VCS Architecture
  • Git Key Terms
  • Why Git Is So Popular
  • Common Commands
  • Basic Git Workflow within GitLab
  • Demo: Working Locally with Git
  • Lab: Working Locally with Git

Part 2

Duration Topic Overview
1 hr 45 mins Basic Code Creation in GitLab
  • Code Review: Typical Workflow
  • Code Review Workflow- GitLab Tools To Use
  • Additional Tools for Working With Code
  • Demo: Merge Request in GitLab
  • Demo: Assigning, Reviewing, & Approving in GitLab
  • Demo: Additional Tools For Working With code
  • Lab: Use GitLab to Write Code
1 hr GitLab's CI/CD Functions
  • What is CI/CD?
  • CI/CD Advantages
  • GitLab Flow
  • GitLab CI/CD Key Ingredients
  • Anatomy of a CI/CD Pipeline
  • Demo: CI/CD Examples
  • Lab: Building a CI/CD pipeline
30 mins GitLab's Package & Release Features
  • What are Package & Container Registries?
  • Release Features in GitLab
  • What is Auto DevOps?
  • Demo: Auto DevOps & Interactive Web Terminal
  • Lab: Auto DevOps
30 mins GitLab Security Scanning
  • Demo: Using Static Application Security Testing
  • Lab: Running a SAST Scan & Viewing the Results
Download the syllabus

System Requirements

Computer with internet access and Git installed, per the requirements specified here.

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